Lovensky was a “restavek” (child slave, very common in Haiti) at the age of 4 years old. He was brought up by a single mother from birth. Everything was steady for a while until hard times and misery caught up with them; to the point where his mother could no longer effort basic necessities for him and his other two siblings. Lovensky was moved to Gonaives where he stay with a far relative. For nearly 6 months, he was being mistreated and doing the duties of a restavek. The mother find out the condition that Lovensky was living under and had him return to Port-de-Paix. Upon his return, the mother cantacted our staff to ask for help. Knowing the high probability of him eventually ending up on the streets (not having a father figure in the home), we agreed to take Lovensky into the MLO family.


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