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The unfortunate situation of orphaned and vulnerable street children is severe due in part to the high death rate of parent under 50 years old. There are many reasons for this early death rate: mainly harsh living conditions, HIV and others infectious diseases, waterborne diseases, malnutrition and chronic hunger, poor sanitations, and natural tragedies. When the parent pass away so early, they often leave scores of children behind who would have to find their own ways of surviving. Many of these children living on the streets migrated from far away villages and poor neighborhoods to come to the streets in the city of Port-de-Paix, Haiti. In addition, there is a high rate of divorce in Haiti due to infidelity. When a mother/father marries a knew person, it is often that both side will have several children of their own. This situation create tension in the blended family which leads to mistreatments, neglect or abuse. In cases like that, children will feel safer on the streets, so they would run away in hope for a better life. Worst yet, unwanted pregnancy of trafficking and sexually exploited girls only adds to the crisis. We have known girls of 12-14 years old who were found pregnant while living on the streets. These orphans and street children are left without care, support and guidance. The conditions these children grow up in leaves them no choice but to engage in criminal activities to sustain some form of a livelihood.

The primary focus is to rescue orphaned and abandoned children living on the streets of Port-De-Paix, Haiti and creating programs to help families get back on their feet.

Our Model of Caring For Street Children

Save • Nurture • Restore • Train • Send

We save orphaned children from the streets, from abusive and vulnerable situations, and life threatening conditions and neglects to give them a chance to realize their full God given potentials.

We nurture our children in a loving environment with caring caretakers and a staff fully devoted to their holistic wellbeing.

We restore them from the scars of the streets, from traumas, malnourishment, abuse and hopelessness.

Then we train them academically and through various workshops to prepare them for a sustainable future. Most importantly, we get them fully trained through the word of God.

Finally, we send them into the world fully prepare to take on leadership roles to transform their communities and set new standards that will get Haiti on the right track.

You can be an impact partner that help Mercyland Christian Mission care for the disadvantaged children living on the streets of Port-De-Paix, Haiti.

Become a Sustaining Partner Today!

You can make a lasting impact in a child life with a minimum $40 per month commitment!

As a sustaining partner, you can help fulfill the immediate and necessary needs of the children living under the care of Mercyland Christian Mission, Inc. at the orphanage. You can help us maintain the physical, mental and spiritual development of a child. 

The children are raised in a Godly, nurturing home environment. The funds help to cover the day-to-day living expenses of the children which include Food; Clothes/shoes; Housing; Routine medical care; Education; Staff salaries (caregivers, cooks, etc…).