Mercyland Christian Mission, Inc. exist to bring holistic life transformation to street orphans and the poor in JESUS NAME.


Make An Impact

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Save Street Orphans

The children who suffer the most are those living on the streets. They are vulnerable to many dangers while fending for themselves. You can make an impact by partnering with us in the efforts to rescue orphaned, and abandoned children living on the streets and initiate programs to help in this crisis. Our goal is to see families thrive and children off the streets.

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Education is very limited in Haiti with literacy rate under 55%. Over 90% of the school in Haiti are community run or funded by religious organizations. Nearly 40% of children ages 5-14 do not attend school. However education is a vital tool that can help make a significant difference in Haiti's society. It will help the people take initiatives and offer robust solutions.

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Sharing the Gospel

The good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is being shared to surrounding villages and remote mountanious areas where many souls are still held captive in the darkness. Through the power of the gospel, breaking chains of demonic influences, and superstitions by shining the light of Christ in the darkness; and they will know the Truth and the Truth will set them free.

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Youth Outreach

Body and soul anchored to the Rock of Ages! Anchored Sports is an outreach program with the goal of getting the youth involved in bible studies, community stewardship, and skill training through sports. Approximately 40% of the population of Haiti is under 15 years old. These children have lots of time in their hands and dont know how to use it.

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Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

A good, Christ centered education in the villages/rural areas will prevent children from entering the streets and help prepare a child for brighter future.


Home for Street Boys

Haiti is in a crisis as widespread gang violence, kidnappings, and insecurities overwhelmed the country. The poor and the children are always the ones paying the harshest consequences.

Many more children are living on the streets without hope and a safe home. Growing up on the streets without education and Godly guidance many get involve in dangerous activities like stealing, gangs, abnormal physical behaviors toward each other, trafficking, and many more.

Hope is not far! Through you generous support we can make eternal impact in the lives of these children. We set out to rescue more children from the streets into the orphanage. This home will eventually house 54-72 boys and 4 house parents. The house will be 2 stories with 8 bedrooms and 4 baths; designed to withstand category 5 hurricanes and ordinary earthquakes.


How to Help

See the list of sections of the house still needing support in order to complete the project.

Protective Fence around the house = $5,000 - $6,000

You may contribution by supporting a section or an item within any section above. Thank you in advance for your support.

Click on button below to make your contribution!